One Time Donations
Donations are processed on PayPal's secure web site, using industry-standard encryption technologies for transferring and receiving data. You may use any major credit card.
You can donate securely online by using the form below
Donations can also be mailed to Long Island Muslim Center, 475 East Meadow Ave. East Meadow, NY 11554
Recurring Donations
On this page, you can set up an automatic recurring donation to Long Island Muslim Society (LIMS) .
A recurring donation lets you specify a dollar amount to donate on a regular basis. You only have to set up the dontation once, and it will either stop after the number of times you select or continue until you cancel it. You may choose to donate every X weeks, months, or years — and you get to pick what “X” is.
Donations are processed on PayPal's secure web site, using industry-standard encryption technologies for transferring and receiving data. You may use any major credit card.